What makes Ormit Talent special?
Ormit Talent is always looking for special ones. Young, talented people that are eager to learn, openminded, positive, … Future leaders that have the ambition to leave their mark. Special people also deserve a special employer. But what makes Ormit Talent so special?

#01 It’s you and us!
It’s the people, everyone working for Ormit Talent. We are easy-going. No Sirs or Madams, no Yes boss, No boss. We call each other by our first name. And we are always curious to discover who you are. Talented, for sure! But our interest in you goes beyond your CV and/or experience.
We put people first in everything we do. That’s why “Care to Dare” is one of our core values. We love to challenge. Because we want everybody at Ormit Talent to achieve personal growth and business impact. Sometimes a little provocative. Always with a genuine intention of helping the other becoming the best version of themselves. We cherish an appreciative style and act without any prejudices.

#02 It’s our clients!
Yes, our clients are the best. They really are! Top notch organizations that are thrilled to meet the young and the curious. Companies with managers and leaders that want to show you the ropes. But that also want to learn from you!
Together with our clients, we love to co-create. It is the recipe to achieve the best results. Togetherness makes a true difference. We want to achieve lasting changes. Life changing on an individual level. And resulting in sustainable change on an organizational level.”Teaming up”, another one of our core values.

#03 It’s our committees!
Ormit Talent truly believes a leader should set the bar, give the good example, walk the talk. Leadership comes with responsibility. A responsibility of care. Care for yourself, your body and mind. Care for the other, society, the planet. Sounds a bit hippie or tree hugging?
Not at all! We are dedicated and go the extra mile. And we do it “With a Twinkle”, also a core value. We love what we do and see it as our passion. While being focused on results we still find the room to put things into perspective. Our committees organize fun activities that bring people together. Their events focus on wellbeing, togetherness, sustainability. But also on having loads of fun. Because, a day without a smile is lost. We embrace diversity of thought, so please be yourself. Let everyone enjoy your talent. And remember, never hide your quirky side.

#04 It’s your personal growth!
At the end of a traineeship, people never say: “Oh Ormit Talent, thank you so much for the wonderful company car. It helped me so much in my development!” Nor have we ever heard: “The hospitalization and group insurance, and the eco and meal vouchers, really are the things I will remember from Ormit Talent!”. We offer all of those (and so much more, by the way). We have great perks and super interesting advantages. But let’s be honest, that’s probably not why you would pick Ormit Talent.
It’s the development program. 20+ days of original, intense, and often life-changing, impactful trainings. On top of that, having the support of your personal coach, a Talent development Manager, is a real game-changer. Our coaches stimulate you to leave the comfort zone. They help you to step into the effort zone. Put what you have gathered as insights into practice. You are curious? Great! We love curiosity. “Eager to learn”? Fantastic! It’s our 4th core value. Because a growth mindset can bring you anywhere. When people discover their passion and their talents, they rise above themselves. That doesn’t happen by itself. It requires the guts to really look at yourself, to be vulnerable & to take action. Again and again, for all of us!

We are convinced Ormit Talent is a unique place to work. And our values just show how special we are. And how special we think you are. Our values are what sets us apart. Interested in experiencing Ormit Talent? Have a look at our many traineeships we have on offer. You might just discover the ideal one for you!