
Ormit Talent’s blog

16 July 2024

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating Change

In this blog post, we explore how to apply Stephen Covey’s renowned “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” to lead your organization through change with confidence and resilience.

1 March 2024

Your CV, your story. The guide to standing out

Craft a standout resume by infusing personality and individuality, moving beyond generic advice. Here are some tips to reflect your story.

26 February 2024

We are a Great Place To Work!

We did it again! We can wear the Great Place to Work label for yet another year!

31 January 2024

Sneakers, piercings and no meetings before 10 am

Explore the evolving workplace dynamics driven by Gen Z, uncovering 5 ways they challenge traditional norms and learn effective strategies to manage Gen Z.

31 January 2024

Gen Z wants too much too soon

Balancing Gen Z’s ambition with the need for patience and growth in the workplace poses challenges. Discover practical insights on managing Gen Z.

31 January 2024

Beyond the salary game

Discover how to retain Gen Z talent by prioritizing personal growth, fostering a sense of belonging, and instilling pride in projects beyond monetary considerations.

29 December 2023

Unlocking potential: The essence of coaching at Ormit Talent

Where the focus is not on exhaustive lessons or relentless critique, but on guiding individuals toward self-discovery and optimal performance.

8 December 2023

Guiding talent: 5 tips for effective leadership

Managers face the challenge of balancing projects, deadlines, and people management. Read our 5 tips to help managers find that balance.

31 October 2023

The Boardroom Brief: Mastering the Art of Pitching Talent Strategies

Working with over 20 companies, we’ve seen firsthand that getting a board to approve your talent strategy can be tricky. The stakes are high — often, these decisions are made just once a year. A ‘no’ can be a big setback.

17 October 2023

Stress spelled backward is dessert? Not for me! Our Talent Development Manager Virginie about stress management

Discover the journey of Virginie from stress to resilience. And get to know about our “Befriending Stress” training for young talents.

13 September 2023

Talent Development Manager Joke on talents

At Ormit Talent, we firmly believe that investment in strengths is crucial for job satisfaction. More insights in this blog about Talent Development Manager Joke on talents.

30 August 2023

Generation synergy: successful collaboration with Gen X

Collaborating with Gen X can be challenging for young talent. Discover these 5 tips on how to collaborate effectively and bridge the generation gap.

30 August 2023

Gen Z in your team: what you need to know

Work environments for Gen Z and Gen X can seem worlds apart. Learn how to collaborate effectively with the young generation using these 5 valuable tips!

The power of data visualization and storytelling
14 July 2023

Become a data superhero: how to convince your audience with data!

Ready to unleash your superpower in the world of data-driven business? Well, get ready, because we’re about to reveal your secret weapon: the dynamic duo data visualization & storytelling—the superhero cape of the data world!

28 June 2023

The pressure of the first job: tips & tricks from a trainee

In this article, you’ll find some tips that Valentine has wished to receive when she opened LinkedIn to start her first job search.

8 June 2023

Investing in young talent: a strategy for success

Recognizing, attracting, and harnessing young talent in your team is crucial to stay ahead of the competition. What is the true power of young talent?

12 May 2023

5 reasons to set up a traineeship in your organisation

A traineeship is a structured program for recent graduates or young professionals, in which they get the opportunity to gain work experience while being trained in various aspects of the company.

12 May 2023

Data is everywhere

While businesses are eager to harness the power of data, its true value lies in skilled individuals who can extract insights and effectively communicate them.

12 April 2023

3 reasons why data talents can’t make a career choice

In this article, we dig deeper in the reasons why data talents have a tough time choosing a job in the hope it will be easier for you. A little bit at least 😉

3 April 2023

What is talent development?

Why is talent development important for organizations? Who is responsible for it and what forms of talent development exist? An overview.

15 March 2023

Young talents and their stressors when choosing a first job

In this article, we’ll dig deeper into the stressors that young talents are facing when it comes to picking their first job. So read on and discover some of our tips to lower your stress.

28 February 2023

How to become a successful scrum master with Ormit Talent and BNP Paribas Fortis

In this blog, we give you an insight into the most important skills of a scrum master and a sneak peek at our training program in cooperation with BNP Paribas Fortis.

22 February 2023

Talent development of future leaders at Ormit Talent

Organisations and talents need a talent development policy. Let’s take a deep-dive into Ormit Talent’s approach.

16 December 2022

What does personal leadership mean to you?

Part 2: personal leadership. We asked a number of trainees and a manager what leadership means to them.

16 December 2022

What does leadership mean to you?

Part 1: leadership. We asked a number of trainees and a manager what leadership means to them.

8 December 2022

Not rugby players. Scrum masters.

What’s the role of a scrum master within scrum? Understanding the role of a scrum master starts by understanding the mindset behind it.

Woman and data
29 November 2022

IT is more than zero and one

A passion for IT. Curious about coding and software development. With databases as part of your comfort zone. Plenty of recruiters are looking for tech talents like you.

18 November 2022

What a dead cat and talent recruitment have in common

Ormit Talent annually recruits about fifty young, ambitious talents. For this, we developed a unique selection process. Discover our formula for success here.

Ormit Talent trainees
7 November 2022

The war for talent: 4 remarkable evolutions

How should my organization respond to the war for talent? Download our free tips here and effortlessly adapt your strategy to the changing job market!

7 November 2022

Engaging and retaining talent: here’s how to do it

Increase retention rates and reap on the efforts of young talent. Five axes of action for engaging young talent.

4 November 2022

Human skills every data talent needs

An analytical background and curious about the universe of data? Plenty of companies are looking for talents like you!

27 October 2022

Business and data professionals in therapy: how to achieve a perfect marriage? 

The better the interaction between your data team and business professionals, the more successful you can work with data. Ormit Talent sits down with both parties and provides tips on how to set up an effective collaboration.

12 October 2022

Leadership in the eyes of young talent

CEO Thomas De Wulf talked to five young, ambitious talents. What do these future leaders expect from their leaders? And how do they view leadership? Let’s dive in!

4 October 2022

Types of traineeships

Traineeships come in many different shapes and forms. To help you find your perfect match, we made a list of the most important series in the big world of traineeships.

27 September 2022

What makes Ormit Talent special?

We are convinced Ormit Talent is a unique place to work. Our values are what sets us apart. Interested in experiencing Ormit Talent?

14 September 2022

First aid in search for data talent: who’s who?

The right data talent for your organization? A clear job description is key. Ormit Talent highlights the most important differences between data profiles in this E-book.

13 September 2022

Data science: in the sweet spot between science and business

Getting started with your big data? The data scientist knows how! Ormit Talent explains what data science is and how it enhances your decision-making process.

12 September 2022

How do we use the Ormit Talent leadership model?

We translated our vision on leadership in 5 essential aspects. Discover how we use them at Ormit Talent.

30 August 2022

What is a traineeship?

Find out in 3 steps what a traineeship exactly is. It might be something for you!

Ormit Talent groep mensen
23 August 2022

The heart of data: why are human skills in data so important?

The possibilities of data are endless. As an organization, it is tempting to collect as much knowledge as possible and have it flow to other departments. Yet that offers no guarantee that your people will actually put these insights to work. A lot of human skills are needed to make that translation.

22 August 2022

I’m transitioning…. from student to professional. 5 tips on how to make this transition a success.

The first steps into the professional world are not always that comfortable. Read our 5 tips to make it a succes!

29 July 2022

Multinational or start-up? Only you can decide! 

A job in a multinational or a start-up? We listed the main characteristics to support you in your decision!

8 July 2022

Benefits of an Ormit Talent traineeship

An Ormit Talent traineeship is the best choice at the start of your career. Why? Discover our 5 distinguishing factors.

3 trainees
8 July 2022

6 ways to foster a deeper connection in a hybrid workforce 

Our hybrid way of working doesn’t make it easier to make meaningful connections at work, let alone friends. But, hybrid working is here to stay. So how do you maintain these connections in this new reality? Here are 6 ways to foster a deeper connection. 

23 June 2022

Become more attractive on the labour market? A few tips!

The labour market is tight. It is difficult to find and keep the right employees. Because just like you, other companies are looking for identical profiles, so everyone is fishing in the same pool. But how do you profile yourself as an attractive employer to which young talents are happy to send their CVs? A few tips!

Ormit Talent viewpoint
21 June 2022

Want to launch a traineeship? Make an impact with an Ormit Talent.

New employees who make an impact don’t just come knocking. Ormit Talent has everything you need to attract young talent that will bring change to your organization.

SOS Talent
3 June 2022

SOS Talent! 6 different ways to attract young talent

You are urgently looking for talent to strengthen your organization. You need reinforcement to make an impact. Do you opt for talent on a short or long term basis? Are you looking for an external party to match your company with the right people? Or will you go for an in-depth, internal traineeship for starters? Use these insights to make an informed choice and choose talent that brings change.

Ormit Talent
12 May 2022

4 tips to support young talent

Experienced colleagues who are willing and interested in young talent are the key to organisational success. When you combine such talented colleagues’ experience and knowledge with a career starter’s eagerness to learn, playfulness and humility, their potential is sure to reveal itself quickly. How can you ensure that your organisation provides newcomers with the support they need, though? We have 4 tips to support young talent that will give you a good start.  

Ormit Talent Trainees in meeting
2 May 2022

Why your organisation benefits from inexperienced talent

Young, inexperienced starters often perform better than your experienced permanent staff. Wondering what makes these inexperienced trainees so successful? Find out here!

11 April 2022

Invest in talent. Make the switch from constant outsourcing to a talent pipeline. 

Changes happen fast. Your company wants to move forwards. Are you looking for that one special data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, security specialist, project support officer, digital marketer or product owner? We can find them for you.

29 March 2022

From CEO to Chief Emergency Officer – 6 insights from Thomas De Wulf 

Let’s have a talk with our CEO and discover the secrets of his success.

23 March 2022

Don’t let routine prevent you from making good decisions  

Even if you’re an old hand, it can be a good idea to assume a ‘rookie smart’ mindset and switch off that autopilot on occasion. What is this mindset, and how can you make yourself take a fresh look at familiar situations?  

22 March 2022

The power of reverse mentoring

Young starters provide fresh perspectives that benefit you and other more established colleagues. Read the article to see how reverse mentoring plays a crucial role in exchanging this knowledge. 

Trainee in an online meeting
25 February 2022

Clash of the ships: internship vs traineeship

Although traineeships and internships might look like twins, there are some differences. Discover them in our blog.

Ormit Talent trainees
6 January 2022

Press release

Ormit Talent to focus on the development and retention of a new generation of ‘special ones’ 

6 January 2022

Why data alone is not enough to be successful

Do you have a grip on the impact the crisis has on your business? What does your data tell you? Organizations investing in a data-driven transformation have an answer to these questions. They will be successful in the future that already started.

Ormit Talent brainstormen
6 January 2022

How to be the bank for a changing world — and keep it that way

BNP Paribas Fortis is, to quote their baseline, the bank for a changing world. Today, that changing world looks more like a bullet train anchored to a rollercoaster track. It’s fintech, techfin, blockchain and disruption on all sides. They count on talents from Ormit Talent for a fresh take on things.

5 January 2022

Consultancy without cons

5 reasons why you don’t want an ordinary consultant (and just as many reasons why you should hire an extraordinary one)

5 January 2022

Data trainees predict Champions League winner via machine learning [Update April 2022]

We combined our passion for data and football in an ambitious data project: predict the winner of the Champions League 2021-2022. Data trainees Jonathan Kemel and Tom Martens, nice to meet you!

Ormit Talent Trainees in meeting
5 January 2022

Learning & Development in your organization: DIY or shopping around?

When it comes to learning and development, the classic dilemma pops up: do we give training ourselves or should we go for an external partner? We listed up some pros and cons for you to make a better decision!

5 January 2022

The secret ingredients of setting-up a successful soft-skill training

Here are 4 elements we believe are necessary to really create learning moments that stick.