Why your organisation benefits from inexperienced talent
You probably recognise this: endless job descriptions with fifteen requirements that job applicants must satisfy. What’s important to you is that a new employee has the relevant experience, right? However, this often means rejecting young, recently graduated applicants. Many of them don’t even get the chance to prove themselves in a job interview.
Did you know that young, inexperienced starters can perform better than the experienced staff members? Shocking? Yes, but keep reading to find out why that is.
Never underestimate the power of a starter
So, how is it that inexperienced talent can be so successful?

The driving force behind change
A starter lacks experience – that is a given. However, most starters can quickly turn this into an advantage. They want to make the difference and as a result, they eagerly go in search of information that will help them handle complex issues like a pro. They are faced with new situations practically every day. Their insights are the driving force behind change at your organisation.
Achieving results together
To bring about that change, it is only natural that inexperienced starters rely on the knowledge and expertise of their colleagues. Top talent has outstanding social skills. This enables them to connect easily with other people. As they are used to working in a group, they have a tendency to ignore unwritten rules. Their enthusiasm propels them to seek connection across a company’s various divisions. And that enthusiasm is highly infectious! As a result, mobilising people around them is often one of their specialities.
Not sure where to find young talent?
Discover 6 different ways to attract young talent!

High capacity for learning
In addition to the personality, drive and behaviour of a young talent, a high capacity for learning should also be at the top of an organisation’s list of requirements. Starters who possess these competencies, but who also easily switch to a growth mindset, find it much easier to prioritise. A short induction period is often enough for them to deliver added value.
The boldness to ask questions
Based on their open-minded attitude and fuelled by their self-confidence, starters look for the right people to answer their questions. They consolidate this information into innovative insights and know how to expose conflicts. Also, it is easy for them to achieve a steep learning curve because they have learned how to reflect and give feedback from an early age.
Pair young talent with experienced colleagues; the curious and open-minded attitude of the starters combined with the knowledge and experience of the organization. This cross-pollination works well if the experienced colleagues also have a growth mindset and are open to learning from an inexperienced colleague. Because learning beats knowing, anytime. Read here how you can best support young talent.