
Hey! You look like a turtle!

A smart turtle!

Someone who knows that learning beats … uhm … knowing.
At Ormit Talent, we just love smart turtles.

We show our love by offering tracks for future leaders. Traineeships where you learn more in two years than you would in five elsewhere. With 20+ days of training a year. Combining people skills with hard skills. Oh, and add personal coaching, BFF’s and real life impact at beautiful companies to the mix. Smart!

Let’s have a chat about…



Call it first jobs you are happy to set your alarm for. Full of challenging missions in project management, data, finance, IT, logistics and many more. 


Our special ones

Get to know one of our trainees and ask all your questions about assignments, coachings, trainings,… 


The road to specialness

How can you convince us of your personality and talents? Ask all your questions about our selection process and other practical stuff.

Visit us at one of the jobevents nearby!

KUL – Jobfair Campus Brussel

10th of March

HEC Liège – Career Night

23th of March

ICHEC – Job & Internship Fair

24th of March

Jobhappening Kortrijk

24th of March

Ekonomika Kiesweek – Career Day

19th of April

Afstudeerbeurs Gent

16th of May 

Not available to join, but curious anyway?

Just tell us why you are a smart turtle and what you are looking for. And we’ll get in touch.