
Stefanie Possemiers


I’ve always felt a deep connection with animals. Seeing them in distress triggers something in me. Whether it’s a stray cat needing a home, or a horse left without water in the blazing sun – I have to act; This drive to help is part of who I am – open-hearted, determined, and always ready to contribute to a better way.

Strong work ethic





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Stefanie’s skills…

Information Architect

I easily grasp complex data, identifying core takeaways to construct clear frameworks for understanding. My ability to see the big picture makes me adept at structuring information for maximum clarity.

Social Spirit

I engage with people easily, bringing enthusiastic energy and an open mind to interactions. I intuitively pick up social cues and offer support, both emotionally and practically.

Bridge Builder

Finding common ground is my forte, even in difficult conversations. My ability to build trust and facilitate understanding helps bridge gaps between different stakeholders.

Learning Enthusiast

Intellectual development and constant learning are vital to my growth. I enthusiastically share this knowledge, hoping to inspire others.

Previous experience


Master of Business Administration: International Business Management

(KU Leuven) 

Business Analyst

Facilicom Group

Business Analyst / Project Manager

(ORMIT Talent assignment)

Crossborder, FPS Justice

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