
Management traineeship

Ready to dive but not yet sure into what? Or do you miss impact, challenge and real learning opportunities in your current job? Then this traineeship is your preferred swimming pool.

26 Months of switching lanes between companies, assignments and roles. Where we train and coach you to develop your talents and create impact at the same time. To explore and develop your leadership skills. Together we figure out what your future may look like. And somewhere along the line, you fall in love. With your dream job!

What’s in it for you?

Spoiler alert: a lot

Discover your thing

Discover what you want and don’t want. And get paid for it while you’re at it. In operations, finance, supply chain, communication, IT, … Curious by nature? Then you’re in for a treat.

Taste life at top companies

Go nuts at big companies like Vinçotte, D’Ieteren, BNP Paribas Fortis, Brussels Airport Company, STIB-MIVB and many, many more. In only 26 months. Whoosh!

Create impact

Data analysis, project management, business support, … Whatever you do and where you do it, you’ll have an impact from day one.

Grow as future leader

Every day on the job. And with more than 20 days of training and a personal coach. With a lot of attention for people, leadership and project management skills.

Build connections

All those teams and companies, no wonder you’re left with a tremendous network. Not to mention your fellow special ones (and BFF’s).

Land in your dream job

Is there life after a traineeship? Absolutely! All of our trainees land in strategic roles at beautiful companies.

Enjoy the ride

Be part of a tight group of special ones. Instantly. Who you bond with for years to come. Thanks to our many events, workshops or during running

These Ormit talents preceeded you

Corentin Licoppe – Management trainee


When I was looking for a job, Ormit Talent jumped out in humanity. For me, the focus on people’s well-being combined with the chance to discover the private sector in multiple roles made this traineeship the perfect choice.
Next to the challenges in my first project, our two-day training is definitely part of my favorite moments. My pool (trainees that started around the same time as I did) and I really had the opportunity to exchange on deep topics. I believe it made us grow, each in our own way.

My journey at Ormit Talent has been nourishing my personal development and made me grow substantially.

Flor Vandenbroucke – Management trainee


I thought I knew myself before I started this traineeship. Nothing was less true! During several trainings and coachings I discovered that there are several versions of myself. I already knew my personal side, but my professional side and the interaction between the personal and professional behaviors quickly emerged.


At Ormit Talent they don’t shy away from pointing out those things that you yourself were not yet aware of. Knowing yourself and knowing how to deal with other personalities is a basic principle of Ormit Talent. Something you will reap the benefits of all your life.

Ignace Koopmansch – Management trainee


My first assignment was at VD Fin. Product changes, pricing, planning and answering questions from dealers were my responsibilities. In addition to this, I also got some optimization tasks.


What are my take aways? Switching between different tasks and prioritizing the right tasks at the right time is not always easy! But I got there, with the support of my colleagues. And Ormit Talent of course.

How special are you?

Do the test.

You have a master and max 3 years’ work experience

Any master will do. We are more interested in your personality and leadership skills.

Yes, oui and ja. You say it all!

You speak fluently English (C1) and French or Dutch. With a B1 level for the other.

You are curious

You want to know everything about as many things as possible. And if you don’t know it, you want to learn it. Comfort zones are a joke to you.

You want to move forward

CEO, president, astronaut? Possible but not necessary. You want to leave your mark and take big steps, together with us.

Your traineeship in numbers

Curious about your traineeship? It sort of goes like this …

Learning from each other

Mathias Daeseleire

Ormit Talent alumni

When I completed my university studies in Applied Economics, I opted resolutely for the ORMIT programme. Why? First and foremost, the diversity and learning opportunities that the Multi Company Trajectory offered me. I was able to work in four top-notch companies, learn various soft and hard skills and discover a broad spectrum of values and business principles. In addition, learning and feedback were key at ORMIT. It helps you grow into the best version of yourself, but sometimes you also encounter yourself.

Ready to apply?

Fill out the application form.

Any questions? Feel free to contact our recruiter Wendy. Scroll down to contact her or click on the button.

Your growth path

It’s all about you … So cliché but so true! Because as a talent and trainee you can’t escape our development program. Where we set goals together and achieve them through training and coaching.



Triggered your curiosity and want to know more about Ormit Talent or the Management Traineeship?

I’m just one message/phone call away!

Email: wendy.weenen@ormittalent.be

Phone: +32 473 45 85 50


Book an online meeting with Wendy