This is only possible when you choose for a traineeship where you’ll get to meet multiple clients. When you are waiting for a project at a client, you work on internal projects, follow training etc. We definitely keep you working! Added bonus: you get to know some people of the staff even better. When you are not working at a client, we call this period “the VIP”. Don’t get to comfortable being a VIP, because it’s a status you won’t have for long. But rest assured: during your entire traineeship, on project or not, you continue to be very special for us!

Frequently asked questions
from young talents
Looking for information but not sure where to find it on our website? We got you covered. Read the answers to our frequently asked questions below. Still not what you are looking for? Fill in the form below and we’ll reach out to you asap.
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Frequently asked questions
What happens when there is no project available for me?
How many assignments will I get?
The billion-dollar question. But not a billion different projects. The average duration of a project is 9 months. This means you do about 2 to 3 different projects. Maybe even more. Why 9 months on average? It seems long, but trust us, time flies! You will need some to learn about the client, find your way, discover your role, and… deliver results. So, we want you to have that time. And the client does too!
Do we know our projects before we sign?
Everything depends on the requests we receive from our clients during your traineeship. So, no. Even we don’t know! When we receive a client request, our team tries to find the best possible match. For all parties involved: client and trainee. But we can promise you one thing: every project will make you grow!
Can we choose our own projects?
Discovering new roles and new organizations. Developing your skills and talents. Delivering results. That’s what an Ormit Talent traineeship is all about. Your Talent Development Manager will help you in growing your comfortzone. Together with our account directors, they are responsible for the project matching. We try to find the best possible match for you. Not by swiping left. But based on your background, talents and development points! If you are in a tailored traineeship at one client, your projects will be chosen together with this client. The matching here is based on the trajectory that has been mapped out for your traineeship.
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